Seeing God

February 22, 2016 | by: Scott Perkins and Lars Haglund | 0 Comments

Posted in: Sermon Questions

Sermon: Seeing God - February 21, 2016
Speaker: Scott Perkins
Sermon Questions Prepared by: Scott Perkins and Pastoral Resident Lars Haglund

Main Passage: Jonah 4:1-11.

Cross Referenced Passages: Jonah 1:17; 3:5, Gal 5:17, Jn 14:8-9, Matt 9:35-38, Rom 2:1.

Sermon Questions Guide: Before beginning read the main passage. Then, in each section, read the sermon notes and take a moment before discussing the sermon questions.


Launching Discussion: What is the largest or smallest town you have traveled to? Describe your initial perceptions of the people. How did they seem different than where you were from?


Read Galatians 5:17 together. Take into account that “God is not moved by your expectations” and examine what Scott mentioned below in his message.

  • You “cannot have it both ways” when it comes to the desires of the flesh and the desires of the Spirit. “There is conflict between your true self in Christ and your false self that is seeking wholeness apart from Him.”
  • “As we know more about God this reveals more about what is false in us.”

1. With that said, how do Jonah’s behaviors evidence what this passage Galatians describes? Be specific and if you’re willing, share with the group where you may be personally experiencing this conflict.


It was said in the message that “Jonah had knowledge of who God was, but he did not operate on it.” In other words, “it wasn’t part of his identity.” Keeping in mind that “expectations reveal your source of significance” look over the points that follow and answer the second question.

  • “Our image of God should come from Jesus and it should be rooted in the Gospel.”
  • “If we don’t get our view of God from the Gospel, we worship and seek worth from an idol. We make God smaller and us larger. We want God to obey us. Then, when our expectations are not met we have frustration, anger and disappointment.”

2. Understanding this, what does Jonah 4 teach you about the character of God?


3. Read Matthew 9:35-38 as a group. Compare and contrast Jesus’ situation and reaction with Jonah’s. In what ways can you relate with either, more or less? Please share a specific example when it comes to showing judgment or compassion.


In Jonah 4:4-5, Scott addressed that “God is now trying to confront the source of Jonah’s expectations, but he runs. Just like we do in our sin nature, we want what we want.” Then in verses 6-8 “God provides, but not for the purpose Jonah expects.”

  • He explained the God “actively provides for Jonah again seeking to sculpt him and draw him into greater understating of who He is.”
  • “Some circumstances we face are the result of world’s and our brokenness and fallen decisions. Sometimes they’re given by God in order to lead us to release our grip.”
  • We can always rest in knowing that “God is faithful in all circumstances.”

4. What unmet expectation do you struggle with feelings of anger or anxiety? What might this be revealing to you about where you are finding significance?


Conclusion discussion: Since “God has been lovingly shaping your life and your circumstances to help you find Him and see Him correctly,” what is one step you could take this week to know God better? How can seeing God more clearly help you practically have compassion for others?



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