Joy in all Things

January 25, 2016 | by: Lars Haglund | 0 Comments

Posted in: Sermon Questions

Sermon: Joy in all Things - January 24th, 2016
Series: Philippians – Finding Joy in the Circumstances of Life
Speaker: Pastor Anthony Orzo
Sermon Questions Prepared by: Pastoral Resident Lars Haglund

Main Passage: Philippians 1:3-8

Launching Discussion: Take a few moments to discuss with the group where you are currently at in life by answering the questions below. Please explain and be specific in your response.

  • Are you currently having a hard time finding the Joy in your heart that’s found in Jesus?
  • Or, is it easy to find Joy because your current life circumstances are good?

“If you’re in Jesus there is always something to be joyful about no matter where you find yourself in life” Do you agree with this statement? How does your answer shape the way you responded to the questions above?

Sermon Questions:

1. In the first point of Pastor Anthony’s sermon he was describing how Restoration is much like the church Paul was writing to in Philippi. “It wasn’t perfect, it wasn’t flashy, it wasn’t famous… but it was deeply rooted in a love for Jesus and it was making a difference in often unseen ways. Like us, Philippi had its fair share of hardships and successes. But through it all, God was blessing the work and the people doing it.”

  • Would you say that the Philippian church was “doing well” for the Gospel of Jesus? Why or why not.

2. Has there ever been a time when you thought “doing well” for the Gospel, meant a church was doing something else? Examples are below.

a) “Some people think ‘doing well’ means you have the biggest church in town.”

b) “Others believe ‘doing well’ isn’t defined by how many people you keep, but by the number you build up and send out for Jesus’ mission.”

c) “Some think the church whose people are the most theologically deep means they’re ‘doing well.’ ”

3. At Restoration we gauge how we're “doing” by asking, “do we have a regular stream of people finding and growing in the grace of Jesus”? In Philippians 1:3-5 Paul gets right to the point and “tells us there is one foundational element necessary in the life of every believer and church that must be present for them to truly say they are doing well. They must love Jesus passionately, desire to grow in His Grace, and love others in the same way!”

  • Since we live in a culture that often focuses on how things look on the outside, what happens when we try to find joy in the shifting circumstances of life? Give examples you’ve seen or experienced.
  • How can we let God define the circumstances of life, so our joy in Jesus is deepened and that same joy fuels our love for the work of His Gospel? Be specific.

4. During the second point of the message, in Philippians 1:7-8, Pastor Anthony looked at Paul’s appreciation for the people of God’s church. However, he explained that we live in a culture where not everyone sees it this way. A quote from Gandhi was used to describe this sentiment; “I like your Christ, but I do not like your Christians, because they are so unlike Christ."

Anthony said, “This is a common sentiment today and it’s frequently used to discredit organized religion. In Christianity ‘That’s the Church.’ ”

  • Has there ever been a time when you were part of a conversation and this type of skepticism was raised? If not, please share how you have experienced this type of sentiment.
  • Since we need a savior and this type of sentiment reduces Jesus to a moral example, how can we explain to others that Jesus was the “perfect holiness and righteousness we could never achieve” who died in our place and freed us from the chains of moralism?

Talk about some practical ways you can share that Jesus loves His church “and one of the greatest evidences of His love in someone’s life is when they do to!”

5. It was said that, “you’ll never fully experience how to live in the Joy of Jesus and show it to others if you disconnect yourself from other people on the same Joy journey.” Be honest with your group, if you’re depressed or struggling with something in your life, how you need their help on the Joy Journey with Jesus. You can also share an example of how the love of Jesus’ Church was there with you/for you during a tough time in the past.

6. Are you a Christian who constantly hears about the promise of God’s Joy, but has yet to experience it?

  • How can you begin anchoring your heart to “Jesus, His Promises and His people” instead of the circumstance of this life?


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